Emergency aid
Should you need help you can always contact us via email info@chiptuningfile.de or by telephone +49 179 75 111 44
To buy tuning credits you need to register at Chiptuningfiles.de and be logged in. Our credits are valid unlimitedly.
Prices / discounts
If you purchase a great quantity we can give you a discount. Just ask us.
We use PayPal as payment method. If you have a PayPal account you can pay via direct withdrawal, credit card or invoice. If you don’t have a PayPal account you can still pay via credit card using the PayPal service.
Engine guarantee
You can conclude an engine guarantee additionally.
Delivery charges
When ordering tuning tools at our site the following delivery charges apply:
We ship with DHL.
Bosch ECU Finder
Here you can use the Bosch part number to check which Bosch ECU is in your case.
It is best to specify the numbers 0281_____ or 0261_____.
Should you need help you can always contact us via email info@chiptuningfile.de or by telephone +49 179 75 111 44
To buy tuning credits you need to register at Chiptuningfiles.de and be logged in. Our credits are valid unlimitedly.
Prices / discounts
If you purchase a great quantity we can give you a discount. Just ask us.
We use PayPal as payment method. If you have a PayPal account you can pay via direct withdrawal, credit card or invoice. If you don’t have a PayPal account you can still pay via credit card using the PayPal service.
Engine guarantee
You can conclude an engine guarantee additionally.
Delivery charges
When ordering tuning tools at our site the following delivery charges apply:
Germany | 6.90€ |
EU states | 15.90€ |
Switzerland | 18.00€ |
Bosch ECU Finder
Here you can use the Bosch part number to check which Bosch ECU is in your case.
It is best to specify the numbers 0281_____ or 0261_____.